Investment services
My business is very different from that held by banks.
95% of banks ignores the real needs of its customers and sometimes offers tools and solutions that fail to meet the demand of the consumer. Instead my job is to thoroughly analyze your position, identify the risk level and you needs and then define your own investment project.
Over the years I have focused mainly on these financial solutions:
- Bonds
- Equities
- ETF (Exchange Traded Fund)
- Certificate
I can dispose of 37 investment houses funds between SICAV and SGR, for a total of more than 3,000 compartments growing.
I will be honored to introduce my advice service going to examine all the solutions that may be more useful for you. Your satisfaction is the measure of my success.
Social security services and protection
It’s important to talk about security and protection with its customers.
Together we could calculate your pension, take into account the specificities of your pension gap and heal it with a number of important solutions.
My numbers
- Clients: 140
- Portfolio: EUR 16 millions
- Daily mail: 50 in & out
- Hours of compulsory education: 150
- Hours of non-compulsory education: 200